Author: Behdad

3D Heals Podcast with Co-Founder, President & CEO, Kevin Caldwell

3DHEALS invites technological game-changers, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, world-class clinicians, scientists, and other expert stakeholders to have deep-dive conversations on how to re-invent healthcare using 3D printing, bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Dr. Jenny Chen speaks with our Co-Founder, President, and CEO, Kevin Caldwell, about Kevin’s personal journey as an entrepreneur, how such a bone marrow/stem cell band from organ donors can help biofabrication and tissue engineering, and the bioethical concerns with cell therapy and tissue engineering. The video version of this interview can be found here

Ossium Awarded Phase I Grant from NIH

The National Institutes of Health notified Ossium that its proposal to demonstrate that the pool of viable, deceased donors for bone marrow transplants includes tissue donors — deceased donors who do not satisfy all of the health requirements of organ donors — is likely to be accepted. The NIH‘s decision to support Ossium’s research could eventually unlock substantial funding for a project that could dramatically expand the pool of viable deceased bone marrow donors, enabling thousands of additional patients to receive lifesaving stem cell transplants each year.

First Round Capital Backs Ossium

Leading venture capital firm First Round Capital — early investors in Uber, Square, Flatiron Health and more than 250 other companies — has backed Ossium Health. The San Francisco, New York, and Philadelphia based VC specializes in early stage companies, pairing its “seed investments” with a suite of company-building services for its portfolio companies.